Duties of Office
Thank you for visiting the Clerk of Floyd County Superior Court's website. Should you have questions or concerns regarding a civil or criminal case or about real estate in Floyd County, please refer to the menu options on the top of this screen or call the Clerk's office at 706-291-5190. Our office hours are 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.
Responsibilities of the Clerk
The Office of Superior Court performs a varied range of record keeping, information management and financial management functions in the judicial system. This office provides court support to each of our four superior court judges. Generally, the Clerk's responsibilities as mandated by the Georgia State Code are as follows:
To file, record and index all documents related to real estate and personal property transactions in the county.
To file and maintain criminal and civil dockets as well as dockets on domestic suits.
To attend to the needs of the court in the performance of the duties of the clerk.
To keep in the Clerk's office all documents, records and all other things required by the Georgia Codes; and
To perform all other duties required by Georgia Law.
Vision Statement
As public servants who value the citizens of Floyd County, we commit to provide immediate, accurate service and ease of accessibility to public records through continuous improvement and technological advancements.
We utilize the highest levels of expertise, integrity, quality and efficiency while fostering the growth and development of our employees, local community and global relations.
Core Values
1. Customer focused
2. Commitment
3. Accountability
4. Passion
5. Trust
6. Respect
7. Professionalism
Real Estate Record Room
This Division is responsible for indexing real estate and non real estate documents filed with the Clerk of Superior Court. The recording fees, transfer tax and intangible tax are collected at the time of filing the documents. After recording and processing the documents, the original documents are returned by mail.
Contact Us
706-291-5190 Main number for Civil, Criminal or General Information
706-291-5158 Deed Room for Real Estate Records
E-mail the Clerk at MaryHardin.Thornton@FloydCountyGa.org